Our Process


Book Your Date

Contact me via email or the contact form right here on my website.  

There’s no obligation to book a session so feel free to contact me and ask any questions you may have. I am happy to answer them. 

If you decide to go forward and book a session, we can agree on a date. I do most of my outdoor sessions within a few hours of sunset so that you can have the best possible lighting conditions. I rarely book more than two portrait sessions in a day so everyone gets great lighting.

Not all sessions have to be outside at sunset though. I work with flash gear as well to ensure you get the best photos in any condition. If you had something else in mind, just ask.

Most clients typically book on weekends so those dates tend to go faster. 

After you choose a date, I’ll send you an email with the session fee and payment options. Payment by Venmo or Paypal is preferred, but you can also mail a check. 


Pre-shoot Consultation

Every client and every photo session is unique. We will start with a questionnaire to help clarify what you are looking for. Then we will have our consultation call to talk more about your expectations, the type of images you want to create, and where you want to hang the photos in your home (as well as any other questions you might have). Any examples of photos in the style you like will help make sure we have the same goal. We will also go over how to prepare for your photo session.

We can do this in your home, over the phone, or even meet at a cafe or coffee shop. But if you are looking to decorate your home with photos of your family, then meeting at your home and showing me the space where you want to hang the photos can be very helpful. 

At this point, we can also schedule a time after the shoot for me to show you the photos.


 Portrait Session

My portrait sessions are always fun. Most portrait sessions take 45-90 minutes (mostly depending on the attention spans of the kids…or the adults), but I block off two hours for every portrait shoot. If we are doing the shoot in the evening for that great sunset light, I only book one shoot per evening, so if you are having fun and want to try making some nighttime images, let’s go for it!

If you think you need more time, we can always work that out ahead of time.

We will meet at the location and take a few minutes to go over the plan and I’ll try to point out the spots that we are going to go to first. Depending on the location, we may stay in one smaller area or we may be covering a lot of ground, but you’ll know all that ahead of time.  

Young kids have short attention spans so I’ll get all the shots that involve posing done first, after that it’s best to let the kids have some fun and get those candid photos that everyone loves. 


Photos and Prints

Now the exciting part. Within 48 hours I'll send you a link to a Gallery where you can see the photos with a basic edit from your portrait session. You will be able to share this gallery link with others if you like. We will discuss which photos you would like and any specific editing requirements. Then we can agree on how you would like your photos delivered.

After that, you get to enjoy your memories for years to come.